Name | Harbor Freight Tools(Fayetteville) |
Hours | 8AM - 8PM |
Rate |
Address | 1800 Skibo Rd, Fayetteville NC 28303 |
Phone | (910) 500-8988 |
Map | Harbor Freight Tools(Fayetteville) Google Map |
Harbor Freight Tools is the leading discount tool retailer in the U.S. selling great quality tools at "ridiculously low prices" in stores nationwide. Harbor Freight Tools stocks over 7,000 items in categories including automotive, air and power tools, shop equipment and hand tools. With a commitment to quality and a lifetime guarantee on all hand tools, Harbor Freight Tools is a favorite of automotive and truck repair shops, government agencies, schools, manufacturers, contractors and tool enthusiasts who want top-quality and great selection and value.
Contact number:(910) 500-8988